- プラグインシステム
- 新しいファイル形式に対応する
- 新しい出力形式に対応する
- マークアップの構文を追加する
- マークアップのフォーマット自体を追加する
- 新しいフォーマッターを書く
require 'rdoc/rdoc' r = r.document ARGV
- rdoc.rb
require 'rdoc/ri/driver' ARGV
- ri.rb
- ri/
- driver.rb
- formatter.rb
- paths.rb
- store.rb
- rdoc.rb RDocモジュールと定数の定義。あとはautoload
- gauntlet_rdoc.rb 謎
- rdoc/
- code_objects.rb 互換性のため?
- parser.rb
- parser/
- c.rb *.cをパースする
- rd.rb *.rdをパースする
- ruby.rb *.rbをパースする
- ruby_tools.rb 補助
- simple.rb 単純なテキストファイル
- text.rb
- rd.rb RD記法のパーサ
- rd/
- block_parser.ry
- inline.rb
- inline_parser.ry
- tom_doc.rb TomDoc記法のパーサ
markup.rb 記法の説明が書いてある
- parser.rb A recursive-descent parser for RDoc markup.
- pre_process.rb
- :arg: :args: :category: :doc: :enddoc: :inculude: :main: :nodoc:
- :not(_-)new: :startdoc: :stopdoc: :title: :yield(s):
- attr_changer.rb An AttrChanger records a change in attributes. It contains a bitmap of the attributes to turn on, and a bitmap of those to turn off.
- attr_span.rb An array of attributes which parallels the characters in a string.
- attribute.rb We manage a set of attributes. Each attribute has a symbol name and a bit value.
- attribute_manager.rb Manages changes of attributes in a block of text
要素 (親クラスはなく、def accept(visit)をもつ)
- blank_line.rb An empty line. This class is a singleton.
- document.rb A Document containing lists, headings, paragraphs, etc.
- heading.rb A heading with a level (1-6) and text
- include.rb RD記法のため?
- raw.rb A section of text that is added to the output document as-is
- indented_paragraph.rb < Raw An Indented Paragraph of text
- verbatim.rb < Raw A section of verbatim text
- list.rb A List of ListItems
- list_item.rb An item within a List that contains paragraphs, headings, etc.
- paragraph.rb A Paragraph of text
- rule.rb A horizontal rule with a weight
- special.rb Hold details of a special sequence
- formatter.rb
- to_rdoc.rb Outputs RDoc markup as RDoc markup! (mostly)
- to_ansi.rb Outputs RDoc markup with vibrant ANSI color!
- to_bs.rb Outputs RDoc markup with hot backspace action! You will probably need a pager to use this output format.
- to_html.rb Outputs RDoc markup as HTML.
- to_html_crossref.rb Subclass of the RDoc::Markup::ToHtml class that supports looking up method names, classes, etc to create links.
- to_html_snippet.rb Outputs RDoc markup as paragraphs with inline markup only.
- to_label.rb Creates HTML-safe labels suitable for use in id attributes.
- to_tt_only.rb Extracts sections of text enclosed in plus, tt or code. Used to discover undocumented parameters.
- to_table_of_contents.rb Extracts just the RDoc::Markup::Heading elements from a RDoc::Markup::Document to help build a table of contents
- to_rdoc.rb Outputs RDoc markup as RDoc markup! (mostly)
- inline.rb
- formatter_test_case.rb rdocのテスト用
- text_formatter_test_case.rb
- to_test.rb
CodeObject (Rubyプログラムの構成要素)
- comment.rb
- RDoc::Context context.rb
- context/section.rb
- RDoc::TopLevel top_level.rb
- RDoc::ClassModule class_module.rb
- RDoc::AnonClass (never used so far) anon_class.rb
- RDoc::NormalClass normal_class.rb
- RDoc::NormalModule normal_module.rb
- RDoc::SingleClass single_class.rb
- RDoc::MethodAttr method_attr.rb
- RDoc::Attr attr.rb
- RDoc::AnyMethod any_method.rb
- RDoc::GhostMethod ghost_method.rb
- RDoc::MetaMethod meta_method.rb
- RDoc::Alias alias.rb
- RDoc::Constant constant.rb
- RDoc::Require require.rb
- RDoc::Include include.rb
- generator.rb
- generator/
- darkfish.rb 現在デフォルトのテーマ
- template/darkfish/*.rhtml
- json_index.rb The JsonIndex generator is designed to complement an HTML generator and produces a JSON search index. This generator is derived from sdoc by
- template/json_index/
- ri.rb Generates ri data files
- markup.rb ユーティリティ Handle common RDoc::Markup tasks for various CodeObjects
- text.rb Methods for manipulating comment text
- token_stream.rb A TokenStream is a list of tokens, gathered during the parse of some entity
- known_classes.rb "rb_cArray" => "Array",
- encoding.rb a wrapper around File IO and Encoding
- erbio.rb A subclass of ERB that writes directly to an IO.
- cross_reference.rb RDoc::CrossReference is a reusable way to create cross references for names.
- フォーマッタで使用
- ruby_lex.rb Ruby lexer adapted from irb.
- ruby_token.rb 同上
- options.rb require 'optparse'
- stats.rb RDoc statistics collector which prints a summary and report of a project's documentation totals.
- stats/
- normal.rb Stats printer that prints just the files being documented with a progress bar
- quiet.rb Stats printer that prints nothing
- verbose.rb Stats printer that prints everything documented, including the documented status
- rubygems_hook.rb
- task.rb Rake
- test_case.rb test/*
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